
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Doll Craft: Make Your Dolls a Science Set

Today is a bit of a rainy/gloomy/snowy/wet day and we thought it would be fun to work on some science projects since we're destined to be indoors.  Good thing we have our handy dandy science kit made by Amanda to pull out!  It's an amazing little set!  She put it together for us shortly after the American Girl Science set came out...all that's missing is the microscope but truth be told, we don't really miss it because there is so much other fun stuff to play with!

Junie is so excited to get started!

Here is a shot of the science set all put together.  Amanda made a little cardboard holder for the kit and covered it with decorative duct tape.  We had just gone to a rock and gem show with the girls so she cleverly named it "American Girls ROCK @ Science" I love it!

Here Junie has out the test tubes which were little bottles that mini craft beads came in that Amanda had found in the crafting section of our dollar store.  She made the little wooden holder by hot gluing scraps of wood together and cutting a bit of foam out for the tubes to rest on.

Some science books and journals were made by minimizing sizes of images found online and printing them out and adhering them to some foam.

Small printables for worksheets and study guides are always fun!

This was another container found at the dollar was in a special little clearance area I think. Amanda added some foam for the back and put some colored sand in the mini jars (pendants from a necklace) and a feather and a shell in there for some specimens to look at.

More mini containers for other items to look over and study.  The mini magnifying glass was a great find!  Found in the toy section of the dollar store.

Amanda made a mini folder using cardstock and printed more mini science worksheets.

Probably my favorite part of the set though are the adorable safety glasses!!  So cute and an absolute necessity when working on experiments don't you think?

These were made by cutting a bit of protective plastic (found from packages like Barbie boxes, other little gift-y type things) in the shape of glasses and then adhering a strip of foam to the top and punching holes on either side to attach an elastic band to for the straps. Genius!

Here is the set in it's entirety...

 Such a fun handmade set to have for the dolls!  We (I mean the dolls) love it!

Thanks Amanda!
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  1. Love it! I'll have to look for the containers at our local dollar store! :)

    1. Check in odd little places! Jewelry area, bath area, toy area, etc. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Annabelle, one of them is hinged by using tape and the foam so you can open it and pretend it's open and the doll is reading, the others are not able to open.

  3. Beads often come in little test tube type container!

    1. Yes! Thanks Amanda, I'll update the post with that!

  4. That is so very cool. I will be bookmarking it to return a review at a later date.

    1. Thanks Melody, glad to hear you might try it out!

  5. Awesome! Your version is as good as the AG one!

    1. Thanks! Amanda really did a knock out job on this!

  6. Love this and will be using your ideas. Many thanks!

  7. Wow! What a cool science set! I even have these mini test tubes! Well, I guess I should make it right now!

  8. I like this science set

  9. I love this science set I have dolls that need this I'm a doll lover I have lots of dolls

  10. I love this science set I have dolls that need this


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