
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Our First Attempt at Stop Motion!

This has already been posted on our AG Doll Play facebook page, but I wanted to share it here as well. For so long now Zoey (and I) have admired and wanted to try out making a little stop motion clip using the dolls. Well, I have to say that after attempting it...I am in complete awe of those of you that can do whole episodes or movies using this technique! Wow! It's a lot of very tedious and time consuming work and we didn't even do a huge project here. We simply had one of Zoey's dolls twirl and then we even looped it over and over a bit to make it longer. We did it though! It was fun and Zoey has been taking a million and one photos now for her next stop motion attempt. Wish us luck! :)

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  1. Great job for your first attempt! Love the idea, hope you keep it up!

    1. Thanks Lanetta! Truly admire those girls that make long movies on You Tube, wow! It's a lot of work and even more patience!!

  2. So Cute!I featured you on my blog!Here is the link to it!


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