
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Little Update Around Here...

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, I was expecting that I would be able to get some posts up here to share with you but things didn't turn out to work that way...we are getting ready to go on a little vacation here and things are busier than normal with all that entails with getting ready!  Regular posts will resume here and on our Facebook page Monday, April 29th...some exciting reviews will be happening along with some awesome giveaways as well as some fun crafts so be sure to check back! Thanks for understanding that we need a little "family fun time" and that we will be back in full force again very soon!!

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  1. I was wondering why there wasn't any post and have fun

    1. I had really been hoping to get up some posts earlier this week but it just didn't happen! Thanks for understanding, we'll be back better than ever sooner than you know it. We have some fun reviews and giveaways coming up as well as some cool crafts to share. :)

    2. I really miss the posts!:(

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  3. where are you going?Have fun!

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  5. I miss the daily post! And will you post some sort of good birthday craft because julies birthday is may 1st and I am trying to think of alittle something else to addto her present...


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