[Originally posted here.]
Zoey and I were at the dollar store today and we found a couple of little things for her dolls (see below), but I also picked up a regular picture frame to make into a bulletin board to hang near her doll desk. While I was at it I snapped some photos to share a little "how to."
Supplies Needed: cork, scissors, adhesive, small frame, two lengths of ribbon and possibly a hole punch and a nail for hanging
It's such a small little touch but it makes her doll play area all the more warm and cozy! :) Now, onto the other little items we scored on our shopping trip.
A red piggy bank that really has an opening on the top for coins. I read an online tip to look at key chains for items that are miniature that you can take off the ring and chain to use for your dolls and that's where I found this. It's perfect! Now Zoey's dolls can start saving up for shopping trips themselves! We snagged this for 50 cents.
We also found a camera for her dolls! When you look through the viewfinder you see photos of dinosaurs and they change when you click the button on the top. :) This was also 50 cents.
We picked up a little mini combed crown that is perfect for when Kristen wants to dress up in her fancy gowns.
And the biggest score of the day? A bowling set of course! This is sooooo cute and I have a feeling there will be many games of bowling up ahead. I wonder which doll will be the best at this activity? :)
It's so fun looking in unexpected places for things for dolls! It's amazing at what you can find!
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