
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Throwback Thursday

Happy Thursday everyone! Sharing an old photo and blog post from January of 2013! It's amazing how fast three years goes by and here we are still loving our American Girl dolls and crafting with them/for them.  :) This photo is of Amanda, Gracie and Lily's dolls getting ready for Valentine's Day by crafting some special Valentines for their friends. To read the complete blog post and see the additional photos click here

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day with your dolls? If so, how do you celebrate? Now that our daughters are a bit older and busier with school and extra-curricular activities it's harder to carve out the time to do these sorts of things...which means we start to think about it earlier so we can plan ahead! We kind of have a tradition of having a little gathering for special treats and crafting for Valentines Day with the girls and their dolls. The dolls exchange Valentines as well as the girls! It's so fun!

Now off to plan what out Valentines will look like this year!
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