
Monday, November 25, 2013

The Dolls Decorated for Christmas this Weekend!

Yes, we know we have Thanksgiving to look forward to this week but we just couldn't help it!  We were all home and we had the time so we just did it!  Above is our Claire helping to decorate the Christmas tree.  She LOVES Christmas just like pretty much everyone around here.

Here is the fireplace all ready to go.  We made it last year out of a shoe box and I can't believe that it's held up as much as it has.  I had it under Zoey's bed and Leo (our dog) did chew up a corner a bit but you can't see it with the tinsel hanging.  (I told you he has a thing about our dolls and his wanting in on all the fun right?  He is totally jealous!).

I picked up some new stockings at the dollar store last week because we had given away the ones that I had made last year.  These were 99 cents for 4 so I got two packs.  :)  The candy canes we made last year too by twisting some pipe cleaners.

The Merry Christmas sign was something I had picked up last year from the dollar store too.

We did splurge and get some new decorations this year at Wal-Mart.  The silver star is new (99 cents) and the pink, blue, green and purple balls are new and I think were $4 for all of them.

It's so much fun decorating for the dolls on holidays...I love going in Zoey's room and seeing all the sparkly lit up magic!

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  1. Hi Jen and Zoey. I think you guys are so creative and i love your crafts and ideas SO AWESOME :) . Thank you so much for making this blog you have inspired me to do my own crafts too and maybe one day i will make a blog about American Girl but it will never be as good s yours. Have a good day!!!


    P.S I love your dolls they are awesome i only have one named Sarah which is a MAG 25

    1. Samantha, Thank you so much for writing us a message and letting us know that you are reading. It makes us so happy...and please, please, please do craft away and create a blog someday if you wish. I know that if you do, it will be wonderful because it will be yours! :) Dolls are so fun...Sarah is a cutie! Love #25. Thanks again for sharing!

  2. Awesome! Love the christmas tree and its so unique :)

    Sarah Madison


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